How was your thanksgiving? Mine was just any other ordinary day so that was fun......I guess!!!! This week wasn't exactly our best buuuuuuuut it wasn't exactly the worst either....lots of things went down.
Soooo you know how I told you guys that I was going to have divisions with Elder Smith....yeah that turned out a little differently than what we thought. So we had our divisions on Tuesday and it went super chevere!!! Elder Smith only has like 5 months in the mission but he has progressed BEYOND quickly....literally in all aspects of the work and it was all fun and good. Then next day we waited for our companions to come back and they did.....I was fine, and I was trying to show Elder Monserrate the bullet that they literally have taped to their outside wall hahahahaha but he was ignoring me and I think that worried Elder Bermejo a little bit. Soooooooo Elder Bermejo decided to continue the divisions....the plan was that we (Elder Smith and I) would leave to my area and work there and our companions would go to all the set appointments in Floresta and then go contact in my area at 5 and we would all meet up at my house.....so we did that, and during that division Elder Smith told me that he talked to his companion and they really struggled during their division and they weren't able to find people to teach or something but Elder Smith and I were able to teach a lot of different people so I don't really know what happened. THEEEEN we came home and they weren't there so they called us and said that they didn't have money to come home (found out later they had double divisions with the LZ for medical appointments) so Elder Bermejo told us that Elder Smith was going to sleep at my house.....CHEVERE!!! So we went back to Floresta the next morning and my companion was still acting weird and once again that worried my district leader so he and Elder Smith left for a minute to buy food for breakfast (they actually went to talk to President) and they agreed that we would have divisions up until Saturday.....so yeah I was in Floresta up until Saturday!
That paragraph was too long and it was bothering me......buuuuuuuut those divisons were good! We had a REALLY good lesson which made us late getting home, which made Elder Corbett worry about us (Floresta is super sketchy) and then he made us call President to tell him about that......buuuut that was actually super funny cause we were like "we got home really late and Elder Corbett wanted us to call you" and he was like "were you in a lesson?" like just the tone of voice that he used was the best hahahahaha.....and then we talked about the divisions and he seemed a little more worried about that hahaha!
Buuuuuuuuuuut yeah after all of that we had a companionship inventory with the LZ and Elder Monserrate and I went back to my area and he literally didn't talk to me......and it seemed like nobody knew we had divisions because usually all of the other investigators say things like "WE MISSED YOU....HOW WAS THE OTHER AREA" buuuuut nope! We also had a bunch of weird calls on our phone log.....and a lot of things were just.....fishy, I don't know!!!! But anyways Sunday wasn't any better cause my companion wanted to talk to a bunch of girls or a member or something so one of us would go one way but the other one wanted to go to another.......and he didn't want to sit anywhere near me and it was just a mess. So we went home, I made lunch, and studied a little bit but I was getting a little anxious because I knew we would have to plan soon which means I would have a hard getting my companion to want to do that....so I went over there and I was like "uhhhm we need to plan" and he just got upset and started to speak suuuuuper fast so I was like "what?" and then he started to SCRRREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! Then I was like "you don't need to scream at me" and he was like "well you never can hear me if I don't sooo it's whatever" and yeah, I just kinda had it and was like "if you keep screaming at me i am gonna lose it and call the LZ" and he was like "I don't wanna fight so do it!" Sooooo yeah I called the LZ......and then I got on with President and explained the situation....and he was like "well, you guys aren't doing very well but i don't like emergency transfers so I am gonna call the LZ and figure it out with them." So I had a nice chat with Elder Corbett while he figured out where to put me.
So Elder Monserrate left to Floresta and I left to Occidente.....I had to stay the night with Elder Corbett first because Occidente didn't have a cellphone so they couldn't get ahold of them. I am currently in a trio with Elder Padilla From Bolivia and Elder Perez From Peru.....they seem cool but I just got here sooo I don't know!!! It was kinda awkward because they just dropped me off on their doorstep and were like "Yeeeeah uhhhhm Elder Olsen is your new companion ciao!" Hahahahah buuuut yeah, it was also kinda weird cause we had a zone activity and we played soccer and EVERYONE was asking us questions which was fun to deal with but its whatever.
It was hard but it was good, there was a lot of things that i didn't write about buuuuuuut long story short lots of things happened and it's good I got out of that environment.
I am a little torn but what is important is that I am UNBROKEN. My gospel glue stick will fix all of those tears, I am not happy about what went down but I know that our Heavenly Father works in all kinds of mysterious ways. It's just a new opportunity to meet, serve and love other people and I am grateful for the opportunity that my Heavenly Father has given me........so we will see how it all goes down :)
Your fav,
Elder Olsen
P.S Mom you need to contact Elder Smith and Elder Marks moms.....we all kinda decided that you guys are gonna be friends!! They should all be on Colombian mission moms so I think you guys would be really good friends......that is all!!!!
The view from Floresta
The Floresta house literally got shot a few months ago......here is the bullet!
Zona Popayan at Frutijugos