Monday, January 23, 2017

Patience is Key (week 13)


What is happening in the U.S of A? Literally only every single person I taught this week asked me about Trump so that was inteeeeeeeeeeeeeresting!!! We are not allowed to talk about that sooo I am always just like "I do not know.......but the gospel is cool" and then try to slowly transition back into the lesson hahahah!!

This week was kinda horrible!! Me and Elder Chaiña got into a couple of fights!! One of them was like reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally bad and he slammed his PMG onto our table and walked away!! Soooo that is fun. I pretty much forced him to have a companionship inventory (we have never had one......when we get to that part of weekly planning he is always like "lol no I am not doing that"). So yeah I told him how he needs more patience......and he agreed but he told me that I need to stop leaning on him. I get would suck to have to be dragged from your favorite area and have to train some norte on the spot......but I also get that I am being trained........and I do not speak Spanish!! So when we are teaching or filling out reports or whatever I just need a lot of help!!! It has gotten better though which is good. 

Every time I see Elder Mcdermott he asks me how I am doing and he gets a rant EVERY SINGLE TIME hahahaahha He acts like he cares though so that's good!! He actually had divisons with Elder Reinhold this week!! I guess they taught a possessed person. But yeah mom you told him to give me a big he gave Elder Mcdermott a big hug.....who gave me a big hug!! Haha it will be a while until I meet him though because he is about 14 hours away in Pasto....Elder Eldredge is in his zone!!! I hope I meet him soon though he seems cool. Tell his mom I say hello!! (Hi Angela!)
Our investagators really are not making much progress either......we lost a few this week. For starters, we had to drop Sandro....or rather the police department dropped him for us!! We visited Yolanda last week (his mom) and she was obviously upset about something. She was like "yeaaah you have not been able to find Sandro because he is in prison." I guess having drugs is legal but there's a limit and he had more than, that sooooo yeah he is in jail! We still visit Yolanda though....but she is not at all :/

And I guess Santiago went crazy or something.....I don't know. We talked with his grandma about it but I did not understand....I just know we cannot teach him anymore. We also met with his uncle he tried telling me that my country is evil and that people live on Mars and a bunch of weird stuff like that......but he has prayed about it so it is true. I literally had to sit through 3 hours of that because Elder Chaiña thought it was interesting,

Alcides moved and we were gonna meet at the church.....but he did not show up so we ended up doing service and helping a dude from the stake out by cleaning all the grass....they finally mowed it...its about time cause it was to my knees

Henry is doing really well!!  He lives across the street from the church and he is a mechanic. Literally right after his baptism he had cars lined down the street that needed to be fixed!! Baptism brings blessings!!! We were able to go with the sisters to teach him which was good!! Our new sister is named Hermana Dos Santos....she is from Brazil!! It is kinda weird though because I know like all their investigators better than she does. But yeah we taught Henry about prophets....we literally taught on the curb cause you know......Colombia! We pulled out pictures of all the apostles and he just looked at it...and then looked at me and pointed to President Uchtdorf and said "He looks like Donald Trump..............I do not like Donald Trump" and literally in that moment I watched the sisters have "ohhhhh shoot" look on their faces. So I said something like "but hes not like Donald Trump........he has some of the best talks" and then we were able to transition back into the lesson so that's was kinda funny cause after that on Sunday we watched one of Uchtdorfs talks!! He is doing well though and has lots of knowledge about the church so I am happy for him!

Spanish is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard it bugssssssssssssss me!! I understand a lot of things when people are talking but when they are directly talking to me or asking me questions I am just like "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"  hahaha

I am working on my patience...I know I am where I need to be, and doing what I need to do, buuut it is just sooo hard....I think we lose the knowledge that our Heavenly Father is in control when things are going bad....but it's only through bad and hard things that we can grow!!! SO PATIENCE IS KEY!!! And that is this weeks challenge, BE PATIENT!! Things will work out.....they always do!!
(I swear sometimes Garrett has a direct link to my brain because all his challenges are spot on! Patience is a that I don't have so I'm determined to take the challenge!) 

Teaching Henry on the curb


Also look at all those taxis that Henry fixed!!!

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