Hello human beings that share similar genetics!!!! How are you?
This week was radical!!! Like verdad I enjoyed this week......we worked sooooo dang hard with our investigators juuuuust trying to get them to come to church (always a struggle in Tulua) buuuut we worked hard and were able to have an attendance of 3 (it's low but its actually decent for this zone!) We have been working really hard with an investigator named N........he has been investigating the church for a LONG TIME!!! Buuut he has a lot of health issues and cant walk very well, and about a year ago he fell down the stairs of the church and didn't come back. BUT WE WORKED OUR CANS OFF and literally moved our gospel principals class downstairs and worked with Hermano Miguel Guevarra who kindly offered to pick him up for church, ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND HE CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAME!!!! OOOOOOOOOF VALLLLLLLLLLLLLE LA PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENA!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
I have started my last six weeks......AND I AM NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT :( like literally its been kinda hard to sleep cause I just sit there thinking about school, and work, and Spanish and how literally everything is just gonna flip upside down......I'm not excited for that. I did have an interesting experience this week that made me think about some decisions.....we came home and we had a message on our phone from a random number that just said "elders?" so Elder Castillo called the number and it was the niece our district president......she told us that she was visiting Tulua and that she needed a blessing of salud!! (Health) We made plans the next day to meet her in the church and give her a blessing. Well when we got there she told us all about how she lives in UTAH and her mission was in California (TEEENAZ QUE CHEVERE!!!) and we gave her a blessing......but after we got talking a little bit and she was telling me about she is studying at LDSBC.....I got talking to her about my plans and about how I wanna get better at Spanish and she was like "well LDSBC doesn't have Spanish classes but it's more diverse than BYU, so you won't have a problem finding people to practice with if you go there." I don't know, it just made me think about things a lot...........I have a lot of decisions to make!!! But like President Whitesides always says "obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles" if I do what I need to be doing and I put the Lord first everything will fall into place.......I know it!!!
The last two weeks I bonded a ton with Elder Castillo........we started to practice Spanish really well.....he would play his guitar and teach me lyrics to sin bandera and I would sing annnnnnnnnd it was super chevere!!! Both of us weren't really sure what was gonna go down with cambios, because he had a ton of time here in the area buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut what happened totally happened and I left with my compa to Cali this morning so he could catch a bus to Pasto (Elder Caray is his comp HAH) and to pick up my new compa Elder Alvardo.......he's from Peru, I don't know him too well but he seems chill......we will see I guess!!!
We are struggling pretty bad in the investigator department.....but I'm not worried about to be honest!!! Lots of doors to knock and lots people to meet......it might discourage some missionaries but I'm actually really excited!!! WE ARE GONNA KIIILLLLLLLL IT THIS TRANSFER!
Today for p-day I woke up super early and went to Cali, picked up my compa and then we went to the church to play ninja with the other missionaries and to eat pizza!! T'was a good day buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I gotta WORK WORK WORK (WHAAAAAAAAAAAT CAN I SAY? PLEASE RECOGNIZE I'M TRYING BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WORK WORK WORK WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK) hahahahha I just had to!!!!
Looooooove you,
Hahaha you gotta take breaks in between knocking doors to distress yourself......Elder Castillo and I were trying to get a picture of me in the air.......didn't work but it was a good 5 minute break 

Good vibes waiting for our missionary correlation meeting
With the hermana's our last Sunday
The pizzzzzzzzzzza circle 

With Elder Mendoza (did you guys know that he was my Zone leader.......Elder Corbett's child that almost died in Pasto.....yeah he's my zone leader)