I hope that you are all doing good!!! This week was kinda super busy, but also kinda super not all at the same time hahaha it's kinda hard to explain.
Well the beginning of the week we really didn't do much......until Thursday when we took the 7 hour trip to Popayan for zone conference.....it was a loooooong trip!! I was sooo stoked when we got to the terminal because Elder Ancalle was the first person that I saw......I missed him!! He's actually in another area in Popayan now but he seems to be doing good!!! I was nice though and tried to talk to Elder Colorado buuut he was NOT excited to see me hahaha.....he was excited to see Elder Escaray though soo he could sit there and talk basura with him......RMMMMMMMEEEEEEE hahahaah
The conference was really cool I guess......the saw was passed very hard!!! The world cup is super chill and we have chill initivia cards to pass out and it's cool.....buuuut a LOT of missionaries are struggling with that, and Hermana Whitesides literally called ALL OF THE PENSIONISTAS in the mission to tell them 1.) we couldn't watch the Colombia game on Sunday and 2.) The TV has to be turned off at all times. A lot of the missionaries don't get it.....but I think it's pretty important!!! We also got the saw passed real hard cause the last month the mission did not have a lot of baptisms.....like a super low number and President was like "maybe if we were Asia we would be doing good......but we are not!" He told us that he knows that we could be doing better and that obediencia is the only way that we are gonna get there.....I LOVED IT!!! Hahaahah
Buuuut yeah that's literally the only excited thing that happened this week, we have been working really hard to find new investigators to teach because nobody is really progressing....like at all!!! Hermana Salazaar gave us a reference....A FAMILY!! We started teaching them....only the husband is really interested, and he is doing well and he read A TON of the Book of Mormon but he reads it too constructively......."Well it says here that this prophet offered a holocaust and I don't think god would do that" "it says here that Nefi told his brothers that God wouldn't be with them and I don't think God would say that" hahah he talks about a lot of weird things and refuses to believe that the old testament is the word of God......and we keep telling him to pray about it buuuuuut hes not receiving an answer....so it looks like we gotta find his iceberg!!!
The more that I read the Book of Mormon and the Bible (but really the Bible hahaah) I kinda realize that you can't read things constructively like that......if you wanna find the bad in anything YOU WILL BE ABLE TO!!!! Buuut if you wanna find Gods will for your life....tambien YOU WILL BE ABLE TO!!!! Just depends on what your looking for.....and that's just that.
Anyways fam I'm sorry I'm boring.....I'm gonna write some UMPS tonight (I know that I said that like 2 weeks ago but imma actually do it this time
My dork companion hahaha
Goofing around with my comp!!!
More goofing around with Elder Escaray!!!
(This video makes me happy, they have a fun relationship! This video was too long to just add it to the blog. I uploaded it to Garrett's YouTube but it is set to private, so I'm not sure who will be allowed to view it or not. If you would like to see it and can't, please email me your email address at aubreycarter71@gmail.com and I will give you access.)
"and if we look to the right we will see a Latino in his natural habitat"
This is what happens when you leave your camera on your bed
My comp finally got his glasses this week
Getting ready to leave for Popayan
The zone on the way home
Elder Rosa my rad Brazilian zone leader