Wednesday, October 10, 2018

He's Home!

So do you remember in my first post, when we dropped Garrett off at the airport? I said something about how the airport felt like a really sad movie, except you don't get to see the happy ending for two whole years. Well, today was our happy ending day. 

Garrett was supposed to come home on Tuesday, Oct. 9th. Through a whole series of events we found out that his connecting flight to Texas was cancelled and he would be staying the night in Chicago and we would have to wait another day to see him. When you've already waited this long, another whole day feels like a lifetime. Unfortunately because of this change we had a few family members who couldn't be at the airport, but that's okay because Garrett got to see them all that night! It all ended up working out. 

 Headed to the airport to get our boy!!

 Oh the waiting...

 (We have an inside joke in our family that the most impressive thing you can do is get an associates degree, so this had to be done!) 

Harry Potter for the win! 

 We also have a family inside joke that Spanish isn't hard, you just have to add an "o" to the end of everything! Garrett hates it, so naturally we all think it's pretty funny.

The moment my mom has been waiting for! 

 This is the first time Garrett had ever met my daughter, his niece! He didn't know how to hold her and he was SO awkward around her. It was hilarious!!

 I love my brudder!

 This little girl had just woken up from a nap so she wasn't thrilled to be there! Her shirt says "Get out of my way, I'm meeting my uncle Garrett today!"

These two left and came home together!! 

 When we were at the airport Garrett said he wanted to go home and didn't want to go to lunch. Well I had just waited forever for him at the airport so there was no way that was going to happen. We talked him into it and of course he wanted Japanese food for his first meal! We met up with our cousins and it turns out that Connor is now taller than Garrett!

 Special thank you to the Anderson family for welcoming Elder Olsen home!!!

 Garrett was so excited about our carpet...he laid like this for probably a good twenty minutes. 

These next pictures are from Garrett's homecoming. He had a Colombian flag that he took with him, he had his companions and people who were important to him sign it!